Sunday, February 26, 2012


i. Jesus was a) baptized and b) instituted the Lord's supper on Passover night.
ii. Baptism is the sign of inclusion within God's covenant, so far as to replace circumcision [as the sign of inclusion of the "old" covenant].
iii. Infants were circumcised; infants are baptized. (I won't go into further detail on ii. or iii. here)

Hence, paedo-baptism.

iv. The Lord's supper was held on Passover night, which has deep significance, as Jesus is unequivocally the Passover Lamb of God. (I Cor. 5:17)
v. The Passover festival was so important to God that He commanded the Israelites to re-order their months to place God's deliverance via passing over lamb's blood at the beginning of each year. (Exodus 12)
vi. The Passover included the children (Exodus 12:26), as did other feasts include children (Booths: Deut. 16:14, Sabbath: Exodus 20:10)
vii. The Christian sabbath is now celebrated not in the day of Christ's death (that is, Passover day, Friday morning), but on the day of His resurrection.
viii. This is important enough to warrant the early church to recognize the fulfillment of the Passover and the re-ordering of weeks to place the Lord's day at the head.
ix. The Lord's supper is the fulfillment of the Passover.
x. Children of God's covenant were allowed to join the fellowship of believers remembering God's mighty deliverance from bondage in Egypt; children of God's covenant should be allowed to join the fellowship of believers remembering God's mighty deliverance from bondage to sin and death.

This is what causes me to [tentatively] lean towards paedo-communionism.

Resolved: to not be mastered by any addiction or laziness or drug.
Resolved: to stress less and pray often.
Resolved: to not let my future self regret what I do in the present.
Resolved: to want to love; that is, to change my desires so that actions flow naturally from the overflow of a righteous heart.
Resolved: to cherish the resurrection of Jesus.
Resolved: to wear my watch like Mr. Mueller and many other wise men, so as to be surreptitious about checking the time.
Resolved: to be shrewd as a serpent and innocent as a dove. 

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