Thursday, March 1, 2012

Psalm 27:13

Resolved: to not be a creeper and take pictures of people without their knowledge/approval.
Resolved: to stop being conscious at midnight on normal worknights.
Resolved: to never give anger a place in my voice.
Resolved: to prefer superior forms of communication.
Resolved: to not mind initiating conversations.
Resolved: to prefer and pursue superior solutions and to despise "fixes."
Resolved: to better remember names.
Resolved: to prefer quality over quantity.
Resolved: to learn to live without.
Resolved: to give thanks and acknowledgement to God in all things.
Resolved: to pay closer attention to God's blessing hand in my life.
Resolved: to begin and end each day with proper perspective--the truth of God's word.
Resolved: to love my friends and family more.

When I'm upset, reader, I will be short, which is fairly obvious since I'm a long-winded person if I'm given the chance. Also, I dislike text/e-mail/facebook conversations, even with people who can interpret one's voice, mood, and sarcasm with words alone. I tend to be apologetic, which I will not apologize for, nor repent of. I do need to be less agreeable; though the apostle Paul said that he became all things for all men that he would possibly win some [souls to conversion unto Christ], I have gone too far with this sentiment. 

I've fallen in love with the perfect tense--especially as applied to how Jesus fixes a lingering result by perfectly replacing our sins with His righteousness.

I've tried to be very tactful about asking for prayer; it is not wise to burden a friend who is about to depart on a long trip with feelings of sadness for that one's friends left behind. And so I post this here:

[Actually, scratch that. Things are not so hot here in my land. Calvin has been a very timely blessing, a real "daily bread" and "green pasture" God has given me, and he has been a great help to restore my home. Even still, I feel at fault and guilty of neglecting my mother (along with the rest of the church she feels has not faithfully loved her). These pains have torn my heart in anguish, and I have thunderstorms above me. Because she worries, my feet are tied with heavy boots of lead that restrain me from leading. I have, in an attempt to remain pure and prevent myself from pining, chosen to forget many people who steal my heart and misplace it--why do I forget how prone to wander my heart is, Lord? But because we are transferring membership, the friends I love (who are yesterday's "green pastures") will soon be far away. Why is my mind so fleeting, Father? The LORD gives; the LORD takes. Blessed be the name of the LORD.]

Yet I have asked two things of God: that He would either prevent these pains or that He would give me a strong heart to bear them. I will learn to live with this dagger in my heart--for what use is a heart if it does not break itself in an overflow of love for those without love? This is my lot, and I will rejoice in the life and death God appointed for me. 

1 comment:

  1. This [presumably Deuteronomy] book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous (hazaq veh'eymats)! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go."
    Joshua 1:8-9
