Saturday, March 24, 2012

Honey pie, you are making me crazy!

--Gah. Enough with the Beatles' song quotes as titles. Aren't you sick of them by now?

Nah. I actually really enjoyed that class. I learned a ton of music theory, music history, and the history behind the Beatles' influential songs, having been influenced by people like Chuck Berry, Elvis, and the African-American girl groups of the '50s.

I've figured out why my computer likes to NOT add a space after the capital "I:" it's got something to do with the impossibility of "Shift"+"Spacebar." Computers don't like that, and don't add a space. Hence, Ido, Isay, Icrazy. Yay!

I still haven't figured out how to revive my Bluetooth machine in my car. Bleghhsdufpdshfg. I've got a week to figure that one out, though.

My bone marrow registration number is 1076-2552-7.

I'm going to rifle through my notes from last quarter (I meant to do this during Christmas break) and post useful things about Criminology, Law & Society, Psychology, Philosophy, and Greek. (and Beatles from this quarter!) Not only is it really cool stuff, it's also a great way for me to review what I've learned.

I met up with an acquaintance of mine to study the Beatles. There's not much we could do besides go over notes; as he forgot his, he took pictures of mine and then went National Treasure on them, zooming in like crazy on his computer. Unfortunately, my short-hand is sometimes less-than-legible. On the upside, whenever he asked me to translate, read, or expound something, it forced me to remember what it is I meant, and what it was the professor was teaching or what we were listening to. This guy's a Catholic and gave up meat for lent. I felt bad for ordering the Denver omelette (What the. How do you spell omelette? Silly red squiggly lines.), but those were quickly given up. After all, this wasn't a Romans 15 moment; it was a temporary fast, for the right reasons one ought to fast-- to intentionally sacrifice to remember and set apart time to honor God.

I love how the little boxes say "fasting" or "non-fasting" on blood test papers.

The Hunger Games is a great series. The movie (which Branch of Hope's college group and I saw tonight) was largely faithful to the book, and the things that were cut were all small (but important) things, as they all had to do with the literary symbolism. But the author had a hand in writing the screenplay, so I guess things are alright.

It's a new birth, this quarter is...I just hope it'll be marked by a more healthy sleep pattern! :)

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