Friday, November 18, 2011

Best By 11 18 (Part 2)

Some people say (jokingly, I hope) that having divorced parents means double the birthday gifts! But I would abandon all the birthdays and all the cakes and all the parties and all the special meals and all the candles and all the ribbons and bows and wrapping paper and cards and double-sided tape and all of the "Happy Birthday to you's" from friends and family alike for the redemption of my parents.

Heaveny Father, dear God, thank you for the food and for Yosep's birfday. Thank you for the hot soup, and help the people who have no soup to be warm. In Jesussss' name, amen!
--Yun-Su, my five year old half-sister

Father, i am now nineteen years old, yet i am not mature in any way, save for sin. i'm pretty damn good at that, yet these words do not belong together, Father! make me to do good in Your name, and save me from sin! show me the paths of righteousness, and strengthen me so i can carry Your lambs. please heal jim's knee, as he is in a lot of pain and discomfort; please bring peace to my mother in her loneliness; please comfort the hirtzels as their grandfather joe is passing away (hopefully to life!); please guard ciaran and havalind, that they would find depth across the oceans of Your love; please help the rest of team praha and me in our daily lives that so often elude our recognition--let us not grow stale in our routine duties! please help us to maintain friendships with the czechs, and please give strength and courage and perseverance to Your servants at large in this world. if it is Your will, please let and enable me to join the ranks of these lifelong martyrs, who sing without tongues as the French Huguenots, for You are worthy.

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