Friday, October 7, 2011

July 26th-28th: Traveling Mercies, Pursuit, Salvation

Thank You, Father, for bringing Ben safely to us. Thank You for giving Julie the means and the skills to retrieve him. Please bring the rest of the team quickly to these lands. Let us not underestimate the sleep you provide.

Father, it is only the second day of Team Praha's mission work, and it feels like both a lifetime and nothing at all in my flawed view of Your will in history. Please use us to sow seeds, to be fishers of men and women, and to seek and save the sheep of Your pasture. Please guide me in my pursuit of You, and let me never forget that I seek Your face and Your heart only because Your lovingkindness follows me like a dog. Save me from my allergies, and guard my heart, Father, for none else will do to make me walk the line.

Father You are wonderfully powerful, wise, caring, providing, judging, and loving. Thank You for all these beautiful friends You have given me.

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