Wednesday, September 14, 2011

July 12th: Reflections on Redemption, part 1

Father, You know how weak I am. But because You know this, You will not give me overwhelming obstacles. Help me to conquer this temptation of apathy and lazyness. There are some temptations within my thoughts that I cannot physically run from, but prepare my feet to run when these temptations arise in the person. Father, I love You.
Father, You have given me a home in Long Beach, California for the past eighteen years, but You have given me a true home, a true hiding place, and peace.
Father, You gave me gardening as a hobby that I have abused and neglected, as many of Your gifts to me. Let me never take the greatest Gift for granted, and weed out the sins and idols from my heart!
Father, You gave me a comforting pet who remembers and forgives me readily, and who listens to my groans, but You are a greater Counselor and Comforter, who truly hears and answers my prayers with love and forgiveness.
Father, I am a true son of Yours because I am like You more and more each day. Thank You for using me to make peace in my family; give me the peace that transcends knowledge.
Father, my grandfather is a picture of Your love. My grandmother also shows me Your love and mercy daily--let me never forsake them as I would never forsake You!
Father, my brother Calvin and cousin Jim are both welcome figures of joy and fellowship in my life--please help me to learn to open up and to help bear their burdens. Let them trust me, because I love You.
Father, my mother is a portrait of Your ever-giving selfless love, even to the point of annoyance. But let Calvin and I never lose sight of that handiwork.
Father, please soften Ryan's heart. He says he attends his church's youth group, but is attendance ever enough? Please bring him to Your arms, because he does not give the appearance of good fruit.

Truly Your word is not biological in nature, for You do not show favoritism to genetics. You designed DNA; You formed us in our mothers' wombs. Truly Your spirit is not confined to a nurturing home in a church-going family--my life is a fine example of the opposite being the case. I will try my best, but help me to refrain from aggressive words to answer folly, and season my words with grace so sinners will turn to You from learning from my words. It is only by the Word that we learn that we need the Savior and that we learn there is hope yet.

---This was the blueprint of my short introduction and testimony given at English Camp 2011 in the Czech Republic.

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