Saturday, July 28, 2012

Personal #6: About me

While we were hiking in the Sierra Nevadas two weeks ago, one of the Nelson boys said something that frightened me deeply and troubles me to this day: that nobody really knows who Joseph is. This may be true. I'm not much of a spill-my-guts-openly-and-voluntarily sort of person. Anyways, hence this blog post about me.

Some of the things that keep me up at night:
-effectually banishing my ability to love, like a child, the monotonous.
-the ticking of the clock, literally and figuratively
-the advancement of the kingdom of Christ
-preparations for being a P.E. teacher
-small mammals
-a tune stuck in my head
-ungodly indoctrination

Some of the things that make me giddy:
-the work of the Sabbath: the worship of God
-the Czech Republic and its denizens
-the beach

Some of the things that make me cry:
-the solemn condemnation of the holy, just, and good law of God
-patriotic songs
-a blow to the nose, or overzealous nose-picking
-the mountains
-Christian heresies
-self-sacrificial love
-brain tumors
-Psalm 23
-Systematic theses on God's plan of redemption, especially this man's.
-severe burns
-wasted time

1 comment:

  1. You might not do well in the rainforest......
