Saturday, January 14, 2012

Answered prayers of last year.

Father, my mother needs comfort, and i don't think that i can help her effectively without disrespecting her. i may treat the symptoms, but only You can heal her heart. if it is Your will, Father, rescue her uncle from his deathbed that draws ever closer. he was her rock, her father, and i think his passing into Your glory would be sorrow upon sorrows for her. let him live, if only until my mother no longer has to be strong for us.
thank You, Father, that i was able to use the money given to me to give back to my family, even if those boba drinks were awful. please keep me far from usery, but please also prevent that sin from presenting itself by making calvin a little more responsible about being prepared to pay for things he wants. or maybe he should learn to be content if he has not? in any case, make me generous!
Father, my mother's true father in this world is deathly sick with the same thing You slew her false father with. please heal him!
Father, i do not ask You to reward my great-uncle's faithfulness, for he has only done the duty You require of us as sons, brothers, husbands, and fathers. but Father, will You not remember his life? You gave him faithfulness and a heart that seeks You, and longs to dwell in Your presence. till You forget how he visited the sick, prayed for them, and went without a home to spend his love? do You not remember how he has sought after You, with a whole heart and trembling, and went poor to make others rich? he is a father to the fatherless, and he raised another man's children. he is faithful to his bride!
Father, thank You for showing me how blessed it is to have a strong leader to trust in, though sometimes his back is all i see.
Father, my mother is as stubborn as an Israelite of old and my father is as faithful as her kings. but Father, since You are my Rock and Redeemer, i will not be moved or displaced in fearful and fearless leadership (fearful of You and fearless of the world, of course!), and i pray that You teach me to love the lost sheep just as You love sinners and that You would teach me to love as You love the church.
Father, thank You for mr. reeves and the time all the good people take to gather together in prayer and fellowship and study of Your word. and truly Your words are worth studying! please help me to grasp greek (and later hebrew!), and help me to learn spanish and korean to be able to preach in three languages. i'm not asking to learn czech, Father! that would take a miracle, and You are the Creator of language, creativity, communication, miracles as we know them, and the love that makes it all hold together in Jesus. but do i have to be so graceful to drop things? the food smelled fine, dirty as it was. oh, right. that's what You think of my best attempts to please You.
Father, i'm going to die.
though You slay me, yet will i praise You. but why did class need to be canceled today?
thank You, Father, that i did not run out of fuel on the freeway today. please give me the faith to trim my lamp and to wait diligently with oil that never runs dry, to redeem the lost and to anoint heads with oil. Father, please carry "little grandpa" to Your rest soon, and bring that same peace to my family. You alone bring us peace like a river, for You are the Prince of Peace and You make us peacemakers when You call us sons and we call You "Abba."

You carried him home! what joy! but let me mourn with the mourners.

be still my soul when dearest friends depart
and all is darkened in the vale of tears.
then shall you better know His love, His heart
who comes to soothe your sorrows and your fears.
be still my soul; your dearest Jesus can repay
from His own fullness all He takes away. 

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