Thursday, April 5, 2012

Tis He who saveth me.

"Saveth!" saith the man LoJoe.

(I'll be disguising this man's name again. He's a ruling elder at Westminster OPC, the principal of CCA, and a wise mentor.)

This spring break, I'd reprised my volunteering at CCA on Tuesday, like I used to do last year. LoJoe's bright smile shone through his thick glasses when I opened the heavy door promptly (that is, 3 minutes late) at 10:33. He'd been asking me for a quote to add to the CCA flier that could be distributed to other churches and schools, but I've been at a loss for words; how can you summarize eight years of godly teachers who never ceased hoping and praying for my salvation? Hope, they did, and God granted fruition to their active prayers. Salvation is an amazing thing, and it so often escapes me what that word "save" means. It could mean "deliver from" or "deliver to," "rescue" or "ransom," "preserve" or "protect." But how does that translate to the ever-useful Microsoft Word command, Control + S? (Or F12, if you're fancy.)

I'd say Word draws its definition from the "preserve" aspect of salvation. After all, that's what you ask it to do, right? "Save this for later."

Which leads me to a (blasphemous) joke, which I didn't think up.

So, one day Satan comes to God and says, "I betcha I can beat Jesus in writing computer code!"
God laughs and says, "Fine-- have at it for 24 hours, and we'll see who comes out with a greater amount." 
So Jesus and Satan take seats at some computer lab somewhere, and they begin to write and type on their keyboards at impossible speeds. The keyboards risk catching fire from the friction they cause, but they continue to labor throughout the day. 
About 30 minutes before the 24 hours would be over, the power shuts off. Satan and Jesus look up suddenly. The power turns on again! They resume their typing, and soon God says, "Enough! Jesus has waaaaaaaay more coding finished than you, Satan." 
And lo! Jesus has a complete portfolio where Satan only had the 30 minutes' worth of work.
Satan points at Jesus and says to the Father, "No fair! He cheated!"
God shrugs and says, "Jesus saves."

Yeah. It's inappropriate, but it makes me giggle. Perhaps I should reserve my puns for non-blasphemous humor.

Words that end in -ous make me think of Greek masculine plural accusatives..... which I ought to be doing right now.

Thank You, Father, for causing me to remember to order my coursebooks before my Amazon Prime membership expired. It's in these little things that I remember You are looking out for me.

Resolved: to not begin to think of my blog as simply a diary, an extended Facebook status, or a way to spread truth, but primarily as a collection of my prayers to my heavenly Father. 

Well, looks like Mr. LoJoe only got a cameo appearance in this post, but there's plenty more wisdom from his lips I glean from!

P.S.-- I might be teaching part-time at CCA next year!!!! I've just got to see how my schedule aligns with the sun, moon, and stars... which will only happen in a few weeks. Teaching is a wonderful (and heavy [and glorious!]) occupation. 

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