Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Why I quit.

Edit: 03/24/15

I quit writing on my blog for a few reasons.

One, the ideas I wished to flesh out into full-bodied, voluptuous, intelligent, and beautiful posts began to accumulate.  Just the thought of the fattening mound made me sick.  Even now I can feel my pulse in my left temple starting to slow with a sluggish and thickening blood pressure.  As it rises, it falls.

Two, I moved and started working stupidly early (relative to a slow and rewarding 4th year bachelor's student's schedule) and long-stretched hours.  My evenings were spent in planning for the meals and lessons of the days ahead, and my weekends were bogged down with the chores of moving and unpacking and making a home for myself.

Three, I was dating a gal.

Four, my friends in Phoenix rallied around me and I poured out my hours on them.  They are a good bunch.  They love Jesus and encourage me to develop my interests and to learn new things as I grow.  I pray I will grow old with them.

Five, I lost that first job for several reasons.  Many of those reasons were within my control, but many were also not.  God was merciful to me in dissolving that relationship, and within two weeks of searching and interviewing, he sent me to a different school.

Six, odds and ends; miscellaneous life updates.  Tutoring on Saturday mornings, dating, learning to cook, putting SO many miles on my car, a solid two weeks with my Korean family and Calvin & Rachel, singing bass, failing to sing tenor, basketball on Thursdays, Youth Group, college/career group, ASU concerts, potlucks, ultimate frisbee, boba, $1.50 movie night on Tuesdays, prayer, teaching Sunday School, making business phone calls, driving through the flood, Senor Taco, poetry, apartment hunting, hosting friends and parties, fear, iPhone, budgets, student loans, Killian's Irish Red, Four Peaks' Kilt Lifter, evening worship, and In-N-Out parties. 

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