Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Jesus is better than "reciprocity":


"'d do the same for me, right, brother?"

So saith the cyclops brother of Percy Jackson in the second film installment of the series, titled "Sea of Monsters." Appropriately, Percy Jackson, the oldest half-man demi-god heir of Poseidon, meets Tyson who turns out to be both his long-lost brother AND a cyclops, one of the notable creatures attributed to Poseidon. Remember Polyphemus and the cave and sheepies and Odysseus and his men? And the burning wood poker, and the burned out eyeball, and "NOBODY blinded me!", and Poseidon's curse upon Odysseus's journey back home?

Yeah. Poseidon has a special place in his heart for the cyclops race.

But back to "Sea of Monsters." Tyson repeats this phrase over and over throughout the film to his brother Percy. The most notable of these quotes is when Tyson takes an arrow for Percy and clutches the edge of a cliff with one hand, and they have this awkward bonding bro moment, even though their captors are LIT'RALLY two steps behind them and one has his hand around Percy's neck.  I suppose they give their captives the moment before kicking Tyson's hand off the cliff, sending him down to certain doom in the river below.

--David Hume on rights and promises.  Philosophy: Rights & Obligations

(I don't remember what analogy I was going to write.  I leave you with my unfinished notes, O reader.)

Conclusion:  Jesus shed GRACE upon us when he made incredible sacrifices for us.  We were neither his family (we Gentiles especially!), nor polite to the point of death to be heroic.  To borrow money terms, my redemption is an investment that remains and builds on itself.  It's not a short-term investment that quickly runs its course and produces dividends and then is bought and sold anew.  Jesus did not love me because "I'd do the same for him" (Fun fact:  I'm kind of a terrible person), as Tyson declared to be the basis of his heroism.  Jesus is a hero through and through. 

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