Tuesday, August 21, 2012


I miss the Czech Republic. The smells, the feel of cobblestones under bare feet, the taste of beer, hunting wild boars (Mongolian style!), and teaching little kids about Jesus are a few of the things I miss.

But I miss the people too: the kids and their parents and the strange old man who's tanner than most black guys I know and always walks around with super short shorts, even in the snowing winter. They're all full of heartache. Even (especially?) the Christians.

At the "Missions in the Czech Republic" presentation given at Branch of Hope this past Sunday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Farnik told us just how desperately needy their country is. He told us there are about 80-90 Reformed Christians. Total. That's less than Westminster OPC's congregation.

Maybe it was the Tylenol and Theraflu I took, or maybe it was the mission presentation + English Camp application, or maybe it was just heartache that I dreamt a short dream about the Czech Republic last night.

I came to in a shop along the busy tourist-trap area beyond Charles Bridge. You know, one of those ones with the things hanging on the wall at head height? Well, instead of hats or chess sets or beer mugs or whatever, they were taps. For beer or kofola or coca-cola or whatever. Not water-- too expensive. Anyways, maybe I was applying for a job there, because I kept asking the owner questions, en anglecky, because I kept forgetting my functional Czech vocabulary. I really wanted a drink of kofola, though...

I'm finishing my English Camp application, but I haven't the slightest idea on how to teach English. I'm going to have to send another request to my church's session, because we transferred our membership. The way we transferred seems a lot like how my parents got divorced. A lot of zipping the lip and paperwork and awkwardness. 

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